The 3rd International Bazaar organised by British School in Baku (BSB) on 31st May can only be described as perfection!
Twenty-one embassies attended and displayed their cultural heritage. Indonesia looked fabulous in their national costume, Japan’s embassy sent its official chef to the bazaar and cooked up Japanese classics. Businesses and organisations were also present in a bid to sell their products. The whole event was done to raise money for and to highlight the needs of Internally Displaced People of Azerbaijan, as a consequence of conflict and war.
Mr Umud Merziyev was the school’s guest of honour. We recognised and applauded his work with this group of people and because BSB promotes global awareness and global initiative, we were pleased to have the IDPs as our main charity. All contributions will go to support them.
The day was also about fun and enjoying the sunshine. The day could not have been better. Thank you to all who attended, supported and participated. This was BSB at its best!
Our student Elene Gabrielashvili has achieved a perfect score of 100% in the modern foreign language selection exam for Russian
In our school, we offer specialized groups for modern foreign language choices, which include Russian, French, and German. Each group is led by dedicated teachers